
Preparation Energy Cure

To fully reap the rewards of the energy cure, proper preparation is essential. Let’s explore together how can we prepare for a successful treatment session, unraveling the steps that lead to a harmonious and enriching the experience.

Understanding the Significance of the Treatment Preparation

Before delving into the specifics of the treatment preparation, it’s vital to grasp why this phase holds such importance. The treatment we are proposing is an intentional journey inward. Preparation sets the stage for this journey by creating an environment conducive to relaxation, focus, and self-awareness. Just as a painter readies their canvas and selects their palette before creating a masterpiece, our treatment preparation readies the mind for receiving the cure.

Creating the Ideal Physical Environment

The space in which the treatment takes place plays a pivotal role in the quality of the practice. A clutter-free and serene environment promotes a sense of calm and tranquility. We recommend a quiet space, without anyone around, including pets. Sit or lie down in a comfortable position. This can be on a cushion, chair, or even on the floor with a mat.

Other things needed

For this treatment you will also need a glass of water at room temperature. In this water you can dissolve a tablespoon (8g) of salt. After dissolving the salt you can proceed to the next step.