First Dose

Dose 1 Energy Cure

The first dose of the energy cure is administered for a period of 1 month. During this time, the patient gets accustomed to the idea and allows the body time to respond to the treatment and the mind to BELIEVE in this treatment.

Administration method

Before administration you need to follow the Preparation Steps described here.

After the salt is dissolved -> CLICK on the link -> the vial appears -> click on the vial -> the blister pack appears -> click on the blister pack -> the pill comes out of the blister pack.

It is picked up with 2 fingers (the pill disappears) and taken with half a glass of water with closed eyes, looking upward at a 45-degree angle. Visualize how the pill goes down the throat along with the water and how it already begins to work by dissolving, transforming into a strong light.

The light then goes directly to the painful area or wherever the patient feels it needs to take action.

Then, still with closed eyes, count from 3 to 1 precisely on exhalation.

Inhale deeply, exhale, and repeat in the mind 333, inhale deeply, exhale, and repeat 222, inhale deeply, exhale, and repeat 111. Eyes closed, looking at 45 degrees? We feel relaxed, deep within our mind, a calm and secure place from which we can open our eyes at any time.

Then count from 10 to 1, all on exhalation without repetition. Inhale 10, inhale 9… until 1.